2018 October Update

Oct 31, 2018

It was a challenging yet rewarding period in the last two months. I have set up the bare-bones structure of my personal site, yet it was a long way until perfect. Without much resources on the Internet, coming up with a decent design and functional website is a long learning process. In the last two months, I have managed to:

  • Revamped landing page with new design and content. I have added my service section and an about section with React Simple Map as background (but it could function so much more)
  • Revamped work page design. The section background is dynamic now to match every projects' brand color (manually input from the markdown files).
  • Added mobile navigation and animation with some icons that I drew.
  • Added 404 Page. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
  • Added Work Category Page, each service can be viewed individually with relevant projects
  • Enhanced landing page experience by cool reveal animation using React-Reveal
  • Enhanced scroll animation using React Anchor Link Smooth Scroll when you click Get In Touch on landing page
  • Enhanced blog reading experience especially with code block. Code will highlight according to the language using Gatsby-Remark-PrismicJS
  • Enhanced footer design by replacing the author component, also added social media links and contact access.
  • All blog posts have a feature image now on the top
  • Fixed related post referenced to Gatsby Material Starter node.js
  • Fixed code block overflow problem in blog
  • Fixed Footer Width Problem
  • Fixed Tag & Category with multiple words in slug using kebabCase