Posts tagged as newsletter

How Might We - Summer Blues

Design Journal - Sep 28, 2022

How Might We - Summer Blues

Hi Friends, Thank you for those who joined “Do You Know Design Systems” early this month. It’s been a privilege to organise and host in-person event for the community. The night was enlightening covering all about design system. I have also added the deck as a resource below if you missed the event.

How Might We - Life Update

Design Journal - Aug 11, 2022

How Might We - Life Update

Hello friends, So here it goes, I started a new role as a product designer this month in a crypto company. Before starting a new role, I’m so grateful that I am able to take some time off, spent with family and friends.  Never underestimate the power of a break, it helps you to reset, reflect and av

How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong

Design Journal - Jun 20, 2022

How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong

Hello JUXT friends, It’s been a while and I want to share what kept me so busy over the past few months. As mentioned in my previous issue, I have become a community moderator for Friends of Figma, Hong Kong and I have shifted my focus in running the community instead of contributing content to JUXT

How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong

Design Journal - Mar 31, 2022

How Might We - Building Design Community in Hong Kong

Hello JUXT friends, It’s the end of the Q1 of 2022. Hope you have reserve some time to reflect on your progress so far. I treasure my blocked hour that I will spend on writing my own reflection. This month, I have joined Friends of Figma, Hong Kong as one of the community moderator, we organized our

How Might We - Gatsby Starter Obsidian Garden

Design Journal - Feb 28, 2022

How Might We - Gatsby Starter Obsidian Garden

Hello JUXT friends, It’s a short month in February but it was quite productive for me. This month, I moved to explore the world of Tailwind CSS. Utility-first approach of Tailwind is quite interesting after trying out different styling solutions. I had also applied my learning immediately to my late

How Might We

Design Journal - Feb 28, 2022

How Might We

Hello JUXT friends, Welcome to the first issue of How Might We! Here I will be sharing more behind the scene & reflection while working on JUXT Design. First month of 2022, I have been busy learning and working on JUXT Design’s new website. I finished a NextJS course last month, which has finally en