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Documentaries watched, 2021 Jan - May Edition

Documentaries watched, 2021 Jan - May Edition

Reviews of The Minimalists: Less is Now, Keep Rolling, My Octopus Teacher, The Kingmaker and Stray

How to sync Obsidian vault for free using Git?

How to sync Obsidian vault for free using Git?

Guide to setup Obsidian sync using Git

Navigating Design Career with Design OKRs

Navigating Design Career with Design OKRs

Goal setting framework to progress your UX career

Reflecting on 2020

Reflecting on 2020

My summary and reflection on 2020

A Journey of Computer Setup

A Journey of Computer Setup

My desktop setup and the journey of custom built PC

How to Create a Scroll Tracking Table of Content in Gatsby?

How to Create a Scroll Tracking Table of Content in Gatsby?

Tutorial on making an article outline responsive to your scrolling using react-scrollspy