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Documentaries watched, 2020 Apr — Jun Edition

Documentaries watched, 2020 Apr — Jun Edition

Reviews of Workspace, Cuba and the Cameraman, Bamboo Theatre, 13th

Defining Personal Style for Your Blog & Website

Defining Personal Style for Your Blog & Website

Reflecting on how to define your personal design style for your website

Takeaways from building a COVID-19 curatorial side project

Takeaways from building a COVID-19 curatorial side project

I built a free resources curatorial site for COVID-19, and here are my lessons

Documentaries watched, 2020 Jan — Mar Edition

Documentaries watched, 2020 Jan — Mar Edition

Reviews of Free Solo, American Factory, Rams, Helvetica and Objectified

How to Organise Design Workflow and Operation in Figma

How to Organise Design Workflow and Operation in Figma

How should we approach to organise our screens, when there are 10+, 100+, or even 1000+? Here's my struggles & takeaways in organizing Figma.

2019 Wrapped

2019 Wrapped

A step back taking a look at 2019